Flippin' Funny Eh
Flippers Canadian Graphics

 Animation Eh

Canadian Links

Flippin' Funny Eh

This page is dedicated to the funny things that remind of us of our great Country!

This page is under works. A good, light sense of humor helps keep us going on those days that you just want to crawl back into bed. So I decided to start a light humorist page of the funny things of, or in Canada. So if you have anything you would like to donate, for a good cause 'LAUGHTER' you can contact me. Thank you All, and enjoy!



  Tim Hortons....a Canadian Symbol

We all go out for coffee. We run around everyday, and only see half of what's out there. Sometimes when we take a closer look, we see really whats there, and sometimes, its pretty darn funny.

Looks like Relations' to me .!?#.!

Take a close look. See any resemblences? You have to admit, either Bush looks like the Monkey, or the Monkry looks like Bush....lol.....whats up with that?










Everyone Needs A Good Laugh

On a nice days drive, its always nice to have a laugh. So here would be the perfect road to travel.....lol....this is a pretty good one.





Just remember to try to keep laughing. It feels good and makes our day go a whole lot smoother. It's catchy......so have a good day, and see you later eh.